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1 ##
2 # @package bibconvert
3 # @brief convert bibtex format of references to jemdoc and latex formats
4 # @author Yibo Lin
5 # @date Dec 2016
6 #
7 #!/bin/python
9 import sys
10 import re
11 import datetime
12 ## require bibtexparser package
13 import bibtexparser
15 ## @brief read bibtex files with bibtexparser
16 # @param filenames array of bibtex files
17 # @param commentPrefix take lines starting with specific charactors as comment
18 # @return bibtex database
19 def read(filenames, commentPrefix):
20  # read content from bibtex files
21  content = ""
22  for filename in filenames:
23  with open(filename) as inFile:
24  for line in inFile:
25  # remove comments
26  # it is not perfect now, since I cannot merge them
27  line = re.sub(re.compile("[ \t]"+commentPrefix+".*?$"), "", line)
28  line = re.sub(re.compile("^"+commentPrefix+".*?$"), "", line)
29  content = content+line+"\n"
31  bibDB = bibtexparser.loads(content)
32  return bibDB
34 ## @brief extract date time from entry
35 # @param entry bibentry
36 # @return formated date time
37 def getDatetime(entry):
38  date = entry['year']
39  timeFormat = "%Y"
40  if 'month' in entry and entry['month']:
41  date = date+","+entry['month']
42  timeFormat = "%Y,%B"
43  if 'day' in entry and entry['day']:
44  date = date+","+entry['day'].split('-', 1)[0]
45  timeFormat = "%Y,%B,%d"
46  return datetime.datetime.strptime(date, timeFormat)
48 ## @brief extract address and date time from entry
49 # @param entry bibentry
50 # @return formated address and date
51 def getAddressAndDate(entry):
52  addressAndDate = ""
53  prefix = ""
54  if 'address' in entry and entry['address']:
55  addressAndDate += prefix + entry['address']
56  prefix = ", "
57  if 'month' in entry and entry['month']:
58  addressAndDate += prefix + datetime.datetime.strptime(entry['month'], "%B").strftime("%b")
59  prefix = " " if 'day' in entry and entry['day'] else ", "
60  if 'day' in entry and entry['day']:
61  addressAndDate += prefix + entry['day'].replace("--", "-")
62  prefix = ", "
63  if 'year' in entry and entry['year']:
64  addressAndDate += prefix + entry['year']
65  return addressAndDate
67 ## @brief switch from [last name, first name] to [first name last name]
68 # @param author author list
69 # @return formated author list
71  authorArray = author.split('and')
72  for i, oneAuthor in enumerate(authorArray):
73  if ',' in oneAuthor:
74  nameArray = oneAuthor.split(',')
75  assert len(nameArray) == 2, "len(nameArray) = %d" % len(nameArray)
76  authorArray[i] = nameArray[1].strip() + ' ' + nameArray[0].strip()
77  if i == 0:
78  author = authorArray[i]
79  elif i+1 < len(authorArray):
80  author += ", " + authorArray[i]
81  else:
82  author += " and " + authorArray[i]
83  return author
85 ## @brief print bibtex database with target format
86 # @param bibDB bibtex database
87 # @param highlightAuthors authors need to be highlighted
88 # @param suffix target format
89 def printBibDB(bibDB, highlightAuthors, suffix):
90  # differentiate journal and conference
91  # I assume journal uses 'journal'
92  # conference uses 'booktitle'
93  journalEntries = []
94  conferenceEntries = []
96  for entry in bibDB.entries:
97  if 'journal' in entry:
98  journalEntries.append(entry)
99  else:
100  conferenceEntries.append(entry)
101  # sort by years from large to small
102  journalEntries.sort(key=lambda entry: getDatetime(entry), reverse=True)
103  conferenceEntries.sort(key=lambda entry: getDatetime(entry), reverse=True)
104  stringMap = dict(bibDB.strings)
106  # call kernel print functions
107  if suffix.lower() == 'web':
108  print """# jemdoc: menu{MENU}{publications.html}
109 # jemdoc: addcss{yibolin_homepage/jemdoc.css}
110 # jemdoc: title{Yibo Lin's Homepage}
112 = Publications
114 """
115  printWeb(bibDB, stringMap, highlightAuthors, journalEntries, 'journal', 'journal')
116  printWeb(bibDB, stringMap, highlightAuthors, conferenceEntries, 'conference', 'booktitle')
117  elif suffix.lower() == 'cv':
118  print """\\begin{rSection}{Publications}
120 """
121  printCV(bibDB, stringMap, highlightAuthors, journalEntries, 'journal', 'journal')
122  printCV(bibDB, stringMap, highlightAuthors, conferenceEntries, 'conference', 'booktitle')
123  print """
124 \end{rSection}
126 """
127  else:
128  assert 0, "unknown suffix = %s" % suffix
130 ## @brief print in Jemdoc format
131 # @param bibDB bibtex database
132 # @param stringMap strings defined in bibtex database, which will be used to replace some references
133 # @param highlightAuthors authors to be highlighed
134 # @param entries list of bibentry to be printed
135 # @param publishType type of publications
136 # @param booktitleKey the keyword of entries need to search in the stringMap
137 def printWeb(bibDB, stringMap, highlightAuthors, entries, publishType, booktitleKey):
138  prefix = ""
139  if publishType == 'journal':
140  print "=== Journal Papers\n"
141  prefix = "J"
142  else:
143  print "=== Conference Papers\n"
144  prefix = "C"
145  # print
146  currentYear = ''
147  count = len(entries)
148  for i, entry in enumerate(entries):
149  if not currentYear or currentYear.lower() != entry['year'].lower():
150  currentYear = entry['year']
151  print "==== %s\n" % (currentYear)
152  # switch from [last name, first name] to [first name last name]
153  author = switchToFirstLastNameStyle(entry['author'])
154  if highlightAuthors: # highlight some authors
155  for highlightAuthor in highlightAuthors:
156  author = author.replace(highlightAuthor, "*"+highlightAuthor+"*")
157  title = entry['title'].replace("{", "").replace("}", "")
158  booktitle = stringMap[entry[booktitleKey]] if entry[booktitleKey] in stringMap else entry[booktitleKey]
159  address = entry['address'] if 'address' in entry else ""
160  publishlink = entry['publishlink'] if 'publishlink' in entry else ""
161  annotate = entry['annotateweb'] if 'annotateweb' in entry else ""
162  if publishlink: # create link if publishlink is set
163  title = "[" + publishlink + " " + title +"]"
164  addressAndDate = getAddressAndDate(entry)
165  print """
166 - \[%s%d\] %s,
167  "%s",
168  %s, %s.
169  %s
170  """ % (prefix, count, author, title, booktitle, addressAndDate, annotate)
171  count = count-1
173 ## @brief print in Latex format
174 # @param bibDB bibtex database
175 # @param stringMap strings defined in bibtex database, which will be used to replace some references
176 # @param highlightAuthors authors to be highlighed
177 # @param entries list of bibentry to be printed
178 # @param publishType type of publications
179 # @param booktitleKey the keyword of entries need to search in the stringMap
180 def printCV(bibDB, stringMap, highlightAuthors, entries, publishType, booktitleKey):
181  prefix = ""
182  if publishType == 'journal':
183  print """
184 \\textbf{Journal Papers}
185  """
186  prefix = "J"
187  else:
188  print """
189 \\textbf{Conference Papers}
190  """
191  prefix = "C"
192  print """
193 \\begin{description}[font=\\normalfont]
194 %{{{
195  """
197  # print
198  currentYear = ''
199  count = len(entries)
200  for i, entry in enumerate(entries):
201  if not currentYear or currentYear.lower() != entry['year'].lower():
202  currentYear = entry['year']
203  # switch from [last name, first name] to [first name last name]
204  author = switchToFirstLastNameStyle(entry['author'])
205  if highlightAuthors: # highlight some authors
206  for highlightAuthor in highlightAuthors:
207  author = author.replace(highlightAuthor, "\\textbf{"+highlightAuthor+"}")
208  title = entry['title']
209  booktitle = stringMap[entry[booktitleKey]] if entry[booktitleKey] in stringMap else entry[booktitleKey]
210  publishlink = entry['publishlink'] if 'publishlink' in entry else ""
211  annotate = entry['annotatecv'] if 'annotatecv' in entry else ""
212  if publishlink: # create link if publishlink is set
213  title = "\\href{" + publishlink + "}{" + title +"}"
214  addressAndDate = getAddressAndDate(entry)
215  print """
216 \item[{[%s%d]}]{
217  %s,
218  ``%s'',
219  %s, %s.
220  %s
221 }
222  """ % (prefix, count, author, title, booktitle, addressAndDate, annotate)
223  count = count-1
225  print """
226 %}}}
227 \end{description}
228  """
230 ## @brief print help message
231 def printHelp():
232  print """
233 usage: python --suffix suffix --highlight author1 [--highlight author2] --input 1.bib [--input 2.bib]
234 suffix can be 'web' or 'cv'
235  'web': jemdoc format for personal webpage
236  'cv': latex format for resume
237 """
239 if __name__ == "__main__":
240  ## target format
241  suffix = None
242  ## list of authors for highlight
243  highlightAuthors = []
244  ## list of bibtex files
245  filenames = []
247  if len(sys.argv) < 3 or sys.argv[1] in ('--help', '-h'):
248  printHelp()
249  raise SystemExit
250  for i in range(1, len(sys.argv), 2):
251  if sys.argv[i] == '--suffix':
252  if suffix:
253  raise RuntimeError("only one suffix can be accepted")
254  suffix = sys.argv[i+1]
255  elif sys.argv[i] == '--highlight':
256  highlightAuthors.append(sys.argv[i+1])
257  elif sys.argv[i] == '--input':
258  filenames.append(sys.argv[i+1])
259  else:
260  break
262  ## bibtex database
263  bibDB = read(filenames, "%")
264  #print(bibDB.strings)
265  #print(bibDB.entries)
267  # write
268  printBibDB(bibDB, highlightAuthors, suffix)
def printWeb
print in Jemdoc format
def switchToFirstLastNameStyle
switch from [last name, first name] to [first name last name]
def printCV
print in Latex format
def printHelp
print help message
def getAddressAndDate
extract address and date time from entry
def read
read bibtex files with bibtexparser
def printBibDB
print bibtex database with target format
def getDatetime
extract date time from entry